Chip 2000 May
0004_WORDSTAR 6.0.pas
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
1,410 lines
WordStar International Incorporated
File Format for WordStar Release 6.0
May 21, 1990
The WordStar file format is a living specification, continually evolving
to meet the needs of new provisions and features. With each release of
WordStar, new commands are established, and slight changes are made to
the meaning of various codes. While every effort has been made to make
this document an accurate reflection of the WordStar format as it stands
now, no guarantee can be given that future releases of the program will
follow the specifications as they are expressed here.
Textual Information
WordStar files contain text which conforms in general to the 7- bit
ASCII code for printable characters. All codes below 20h are reserved
for control information, and the high (8th) bit on characters is
likewise used to convey information about format- ting and document
control. A raw stream of the printable text in a WordStar file could
therefore be discerned by masking off the 8th bit and discarding codes
in the range of 00h through 1Fh. This method would, of course, omit all
formatting and control information in the file. In addition to stripping
control char- acters, symmetrical sequences must be stripped. See the
descrip- tion of symmetrical sequences below.
More recent versions of WordStar (release 3.4 and above) provide for an
extension to the 7-bit ASCII character set by means of 3- byte
sequences. These codes all begin with the lead-in character <1Bh> and
end with the trailer <1Ch>. The code in between these two characters can
be any value in the range from 00h through FFh. In general, this scheme
is used to support printable codes less than 20h and greater than 7Fh.
Starting with version 5.0, WordStar files also contain "Symmetri- cal
Sequences". These are used for footnotes, font tags, etc. In addition,
WordStar 5.0 (and later) files begin with a symmet- rical sequence which
is used as a header. See the description of the header symmetrical
sequence below.
Formatting and Control Information
High Bits
All WordStar files terminate normal lines (paragraphs) with the sequence
<0Dh, 0Ah> (carriage return, line feed). A "soft re- turn" <8Dh, 0Ah> is
inserted in the text stream at the points where lines are subject to
word-wrap. A "soft space" <A0h> is inserted for tabbing, justification,
and for left-margin indenta- tion. In normal mid-paragraph lines, the
blank characters (usually space) following words at the end of lines
will be re- tained, so that the user's text is fully retained.
An "inactive soft hyphen" <1Eh> is inserted in the text stream at places
where hyphenation may be allowed to occur. When the word is actually
broken at the hyphenation spot, the inactive soft hyphen is changed to
an "active soft hyphen" <1Fh>. This active hyphen, since it falls at the
end of a mid-paragraph line, will be immediately followed by the soft
return mentioned above.
In versions of WordStar prior to 5.0, the high bit was set on the last
character of all non-blank text strings that fell within the margins.
The printer drivers relied on this information to determine which text
was to be microjustified. This functionali- ty was dropped in the later
versions in favor of the use of absolute tabs, margin dot commands, and
paragraph styles.
Low-order Codes
WordStar (all versions) uses the ASCII codes below 20h for con- trol
information. The specific assignment of meanings to codes is as follows:
00h ^@ Fix the print position. At print time
the print head is moved to the absolute
column position where the ^@ appears in
the text. This is primarily used to
line up proportional text or text that
mixes the normal and alternate character
01h ^A Alternate font. At print time the
alternate character width is selected at
the point in the text where the ^A
appears. The alternate character width
can be either preinstalled or changed
with the .cw dot command while ^A is in
effect. This print control is now
obsolete. See the description of
symmetrical sequence 15h, below.
02h ^B Boldface type ON/OFF toggle.
03h ^C Pause for user response during print.
04h ^D Double strike printing ON/OFF toggle.
05h ^E Custom print control. The user may
either preinstall the print control
string to be sent when ^E is encountered
in the text, or the .xe dot command may
be used to define it within a document.
06h ^F Phantom space. Primarily used to access
characters on a daisy wheel at the 20h
print position. On other types of
printers results vary.
07h ^G Phantom rubout. Primarily used to
access characters on a daisy wheel at
the 7Fh print position. On other types
of printers results vary.
08h ^H Overprint previous character.
09h ^I Tab character. At print time the number
of hard spaces required to reach a
modulus 8 print position is generated.
0Ah ^J Line feed. At print time causes a paper
advance to the next line.
0Bh ^K Within the main text body, it is used to
around words or phrases to be indexed.
In a header or footer line, on odd
numbered pages all blanks following the
^K are suppressed.
0Ch ^L Form Feed. At print time causes page to
be ejected. No footer lines are printed.
0Dh ^M Carriage return.
0Eh ^N Return to the normal character width.
Now obsolete, see the description for
the symmetrical sequence 15h, below.
0Fh ^O Binding space. Printed as a space. It
is used to bind together text that must
not be split when a paragraph is
10h ^P Reserved.
11h ^Q Custom print control.
12h ^R Custom print control.
13h ^S Underline ON/OFF toggle.
14h ^T Superscript ON/OFF toggle.
15h ^U Reserved.
16h ^V Subscript ON/OFF toggle.
17h ^W Custom print control.
18h ^X Strikeout ON/OFF toggle. Causes all
text between successive ^X's to be
overstruck with a dash (unless re
installed for some other character).
19h ^Y Italics ON/OFF toggle (depending on the
printer). Versions of WordStar prior to
5.0 could also use this character as a
ribbon color change. This was replaced
in the later versions with color selec-
tion via ^P-.
1Ah ^Z End of file character. When encountered
indicates the end of the file.
1Bh ^[ Escape. Reserved. Also used as the
extended character set lead-in code. If
the second byte following the 1Bh is a
1Ch, the intervening byte is an extended
character. Example: <1Bh,AEh,1Ch>.
1Ch ^\ Reserved. Also used as the extended
character set trailer code if the second
byte preceding it is a 1Bh.
1Dh ^] Symmetrical sequence start/stop charac-
ter (see below).
1Eh ^^ Inactive soft hyphen. Indicates a
position at which a word may be broken
for word-wrap.
1Fh ^_ Active soft hyphen. Indicates a place
at which a word has been broken for
Dot Commands
Additional formatting information is recorded in WordStar files through
means of "dot commands." Dot commands are instructions that are preceded
(in the first position in the line) by a period <2Eh> and stand alone as
the only entry on that line. (See the WordStar documentation for exact
descriptions of each dot com- mand.)
In the table below, the codes in the "Usage" column indicate the
M Affects only merge printing.
I Affects only indexing.
T Affects only table of contents.
P Affects printing or merge printing.
E Affects editing, printing, or merge printing.
In most cases, the dot commands that affect editing show some effect on
the screen as the command is typed or changed. As the cursor is moved
forward through the document, WordStar stores enough information about
the command so that the previous state can be restored when the cursor
is later moved backwards. There is a limited amount of storage for this
information and it is controlled with the User Area variable DSTKSZ.
Versions prior to 4.0 require whole numbers as arguments to dot commands
that require numbers (subscript roll, page offset). With version 4.0,
math was allowed in the arguments for easier entry of complex page
layouts. In version 5.0, the ability to specify measurements in inches
was added. In version 5.5 revi- sion C, measurements in points and
centimeters were allowed. Inches in 5.0 were specified using the double
quote only. In 5.5C, inch measurements were allowed with 'I' or 'IN'.
Centime- ters are specified as 'C' or 'CM', and points with 'P' or 'PM'.
Upper and lower case are allowed with these. Most dot commands that take
their arguments as number of lines or columns will allow measurements as
well. Refer to the WordStar documentation to find out which dot commands
accept measurements as arguments.
The present interpretation of dot commands is:
Command Usage Meaning
.AV M Ask for variable. Requests the user to
enter data from the keyboard at print
time for a specific variable.
.AW E M Aligning and word wrap ON/OFF. Enables
or disables aligning and word wrap at a
specific point in the document. Used
primarily to prevent changes to tables.
.BN P Bin select. Selects one of four sheet
feeder bins at print time.
.BP P Bidirectional print ON/OFF. Enables and
disables bidirectional printing. If the
printer does not have bidirectional
printing capability, this command is
.CC E P Conditional column break. Like the .CP
command, but works with columnar breaks
instead. If the number of lines
following the conditional column break
command fit on the current page, then
there is no effect, otherwise, a
columnar break will occur.
.CO E P Columns. Allows the user to specify the
number of columns and optionally, the
gutter width in columns or inches.
.CP E P Conditional page break. If there are
less than the number of lines specified
remaining on the page, then a page break
is generated. If the number of lines
following the conditional page break fit
on the current page, then there is no
effect. Takes the line height changes
into account.
.CS P Clear screen and display message. This
command is used to clear the screen
during printing. If a message follows
the .CS, it is displayed on the first
screen line below the Print Menu.
.CV E P Convert note type. For further areas in
the document, all notes of the first
type specified will be treated as notes
of the second type. Works with
comments, footnotes, and endnotes.
.CW P Character width. This command allows
the user to specify the width of the
characters in 1/120 inch increments.
This width takes effect on the next line
of text. Either the normal (^N) or
alternate (^A) character width is
changed depending which is in effect.
The default is 12 (12/120ths is 10
characters per inch).
.DF M Data file. This merge print command is
used to specify the file name which
holds data that will be merged into
text. The data file may be in comma
delimited format, a dBASE file, or a
Lotus 123, Symphony, Quattro, or VP-
Planner worksheet. The user may also
optionally change the data separator
character for that file.
.DM P Display a message. Displays a message on
the screen at print time. If printing
in the background, .DM's can "scroll
off" the screen while it is hidden from
the user.
.E# E P Set endnote value. Specifies the new
value for endnote numbering.
.EI M End if. Indicates the final spot in a
merge print document affected by a .IF
command. There must be one .EI for
every .IF command.
.EL M Else. Used for the "else" case after
using a .IF command. .EL commands are
.F# E P Set footnote value. Specifies the new
value for footnote numbering.
.FI P File insert. Prints the specified file
at that point in the document. .FI
commands may be nested up to 7 levels
deep. .FI files can be in ASCII,
WordStar, or Lotus 123, Symphony,
Quattro, or VP-Planner worksheets.
.FM P Footer margin. The number of blank
lines from the end of the text on a page
to the first footer line. Default is 2.
The sum of the footer margin plus the
number of footer lines must be less than
or equal to the bottom margin.
.FO or F1 P Footer. The text following the
command .F1 will be printed as the first
footer line on this and all subsequent
pages. A .FO (or .F1) followed by one
or zero blanks cancels the footer line.
The footer uses the character width and
line height in effect at the time
the .FO (or .F1) command is encountered
in the text. .FO can optionally specify
even or odd numbered page footers.
.F2 P Second footer.
.F3 P Third footer.
.GO P Go to top or bottom of document.
.HE or H1 P Header. The text following the
command .H1 is printed as the first
header line on all subsequent pages. If
the header command is one of the first
dot commands on a page it takes effect
for that page, otherwise it affects the
following pages. A .HE or .H1 followed
by one or zero blanks cancels the header
line. The header uses the character
width and line height in effect at the
time the .HE or .H1 command is
encountered in the text. .HE can
optionally specify even or odd numbered
page headers.
.H2 P Second header.
.H3 P Third header.
.HM P Header margin. The number of blanks
lines between the top of the text on a
page and the last header line. Default
is 2. The sum of the header margin plus
the number of header lines must be less
than or equal to the top margin.
.IF M If. Used for conditional merge printing
in conjunction with the .EL and .EI
commands. Only simple conditions can be
tested using the following operators:
= Strings alphabetically equal.
<> Strings unequal.
> Greater than.
< Less than.
#= Numbers equal.
#<> Numbers unequal.
#> Greater than.
#< Less than.
.IF commands may be nested up to 255
levels deep.
.IG or.. E Ignore. The text on the remainder of ..
the line is treated as an unprinted
.IX I Index. The text on the remainder of the
line is put in the index. A comma is
used to separate a main index entry from
a subentry. If a dash is the first
character following the .IX, the index
entry is treated as a cross reference
entry. If a plus sign is the first
character following the .IX, the page
number for that index entry is printed
in boldface.
.KR P Kerning. Adjusts space between certain
pairs of printed characters for fonts
that contain kerning information.
.L# P Line numbering. Specifies whether to
turn line numbering off, or the spacing
and position of the line numbering.
Also optional is whether to start
numbering at the beginning of each page
or the beginning of the document.
.LH E P Line height. Changes current line
height in 1/48 inch increments. The
default is 8/48 or 6 lines per inch.
All lines following this command are set
based on the current line height value.
Optionally, an argument of 'A' or 'a'
will turn on "auto-leading", and all
subsequent lines will use the line
height of the largest font in the line.
.LM E P Left margin. Determines the left edge
of subsequent text.
.LQ P Letter quality ON/OFF. Enables or
disables letter quality printing on dot
matrix printers (ignored if not
supported on the printer).
.LS E P Line spacing. Selects a line spacing of
between 1 and 9 for subsequent typing or
paragraph alignment. A value of 1 is
for single spacing, 2 for double
spacing, etc.
.MA M Math. Stores the results of a complex
equation in a variable.
.MB E P Bottom margin. The footer or page
number is printed within this margin.
The default value is 8 lines.
.MT E P Top margin. The number of lines from
the beginning of the page to the
beginning of printed text. The header
is printed within this margin. Default
value is 3 lines.
.OC E P Centering ON/OFF. When ON, further
lines in the document will be centered
within the left and right margins until
a .OC OFF command is encountered.
.OJ E P Output justification ON/OFF. Command
which turns right justification ON or
OFF for subsequent typing or paragraph
realignment. When OFF, text is ragged
at the right margin. When ON, text is
flush right.
.OP P Omit page number. At print time no page
numbers are printed unless the "#" has
been used in footers or headers.
.P# E P Paragraph number. Specifies the initial
value and/or the format to use for
paragraph numbering.
.PA E P Page break. Begin a new page here.
.PC P Page column. Indicates the column at
which the page number will be printed.
This is active only when the footers are
not in use and page numbering is turned
on. If the column specified is 0, then
the page number is centered between the
margins in effect where the .PC command
is given.
.PE P Print endnotes. When encountered during
printing, endnotes will be printed at
this point in the document.
.PF P Paragraph realignment while printing.
May be ON, OFF, or DIS (for dis-
cretionary). When ON, subsequent para-
graphs are realigned as they are print-
ed. When OFF, paragraphs are not rea-
ligned. When DIS, paragraphs are rea-
ligned only when merge print data is
substituted in the document. Paragraphs
are aligned using the left, right, and
paragraph margins currently in effect.
.PG P Number pages. At print time the page
number is printed at the bottom of the
page unless a footer overrides it.
Usually used to restore page numbering
after being turned off with .OP.
.PL E P Page length. The total number of lines
in a page assuming 6 lines per inch. An
eleven inch page contains 66 lines.
.PM E P Paragraph margin. The left margin to
use for the first line of every
subsequent paragraph. Used for both
regular and hanging indents.
.PN E P Page number. The current page number.
.PO P Page offset. The number of print
columns from the left edge of the paper
to the left margin of text. The current
setting of character width (.CW) deter-
mines the actual amount of
indentation. .PO can optionally specify
even or odd number page offsets.
.PR P Printer information. Currently used to
select the print orientation for laser
printers (use .PR OR=L for landscape,
and .PR OR=P for portrait).
.PS P Proportional spacing ON/OFF. Subsequent
text is to be printed using a
proportional font.
.RM E P Right margin. Determines the right edge
of subsequent paragraphs.
.RP M Repeat. Command to repetitively print
copies of a document. The .DF command
may interfere with the .RP command.
.RR E P Ruler. Embeds a ruler line to be used
for subsequent typing and alignment.
The text following the .RR is the exact
image of the ruler line above the text
on the screen. A .RR with a # (0-9)
specifies a preformatted ruler line
(stored in the user area).
.RV M Read variable. Merge print command used
to read one or more of the next data
from a file into variables.
.SR P Sub/superscript roll. The increments
(in 1/48ths of an inch) which the
carriage is to roll up or down for
subscript and superscript printing.
Default is 3 (3/48ths of an inch).
.SV M Set variable. Merge print command used
to store data in a variable.
.TB E P Tab stops. Sets multiple tab stops for
further editing/printing in the
.TC T Table of contents. The text following
the .TC is a table of contents entry. A
"#" indicates where the page number is
to go in the entry. .TC1 through .TC9
are used to simultaneously build nine
other tables.
.UJ P Micro justify. Specifies whether
subsequent lines are to be micro-
justified at print time. When ON, the
white space necessary to right justify a
line is spread in very fine increments
evenly over the line. When OFF, whole
blanks are used to spread the white
space. When DIS, the printer driver
decides; microjustification is not
performed if it slows down printing
.UL P Continuous underlining ON/OFF. Enables
or disables underlining of blanks
between words.
.XE .XQ P Custom print control. The hex pairs
.XR .XW following the dot command define the
custom print control for ^E, ^Q, ^R, and
^W encountered in the text respectively.
The definition may include up to five
.XL P Form feed. The hex pairs following .XL
define the print control string to be
sent to eject the paper to the following
page when printing.
.XX P Strikeout character. Redefines the
character used for strikeouts.
Symmetrical Sequences
Symmetrical sequences are used for features that cannot be han- dled by
dot commands or print control characters, or that belong embedded in the
text instead of in dot commands. All symmetrical sequences begin with
the control character 1DH, followed by a count (2 bytes), and a type
byte. Symmetrical sequences end with a count (2 bytes), and the control
character 1DH. The count is stored low order byte first and is the sum
of all the characters in the symmetrical sequence minus 3 (Thus the
count can be added to the start address of the sequence to point to the
end count). Symmetrical sequences can contain any character including
Note that some symmetrical sequences can contain symmetrical seq- uences
themselves (Annotations, for example). Currently only one level of this
recursion is used.
Also note that all of these sequences are subject to change.
The present interpretation of symmetrical sequences is:
Header sequence
0 Header:
Byte: version number in BCD (50h for
Release 5.0, 55h for Release 5.5, 60h
for Release 6.0)
9 bytes: Null terminated driver name
for this document.
2 bytes: reserved.
2 words: 32-bit pointer to the be-
ginning of the file's style library
(lo word in lo,hi format, high word
in lo,hi format).
107 bytes: Reserved. (Total 128 bytes
for header sequence including counts
and leading/trailing 1DH).
Print Controls
1 Color:
Byte: Color number (see below).
Byte: Previous color in file.
The color number is as follows:
0 - Black
1 - Blue
2 - Green
3 - Cyan
4 - Red
5 - Magenta
6 - Brown
7 - Light Grey
8 - Dark Grey
9 - Light Blue
0AH - Light Green
0BH - Light Cyan
0CH - Light Red
0DH - Light Magenta
0EH - Yellow
0FH - White on black
2 Font:
Word: Font width in HMIs (1/1800ths)
Word: Font height in VMIs (1/1440ths)
Word: Typestyle (see below)
Word: Previous font width
Word: Previous font height
Word: Previous typestyle
Please note that the typestyle
definitions listed below are partial
(more are being added) and may
Typestyles are defined by a word with
the high order seven bits defined as
Bit #: Usage:
15 Proportional flag
14 Letter quality flag
13 Symbol mapping high bit
12 Symbol mapping low bit
00 = Code page 437
01 = Code page 850
10 = Math
11 = Symbols
11 Generic style, high bit
10 Generic style, low bit
00 = Sans serif font
01 = Serif font
10 = Script font
11 = Display font
9 Set to 1 to indicate that this
font symmetrical sequence is
different from previous versions.
Previous versions had this bit
set to 0.
The low order nine bits (8 through 0)
contain the typestyle number (which
corresponds to a named typestyle). When
a typestyle appears in a font symmetri-
cal sequence that does not match the
printer selected, a best guess is made
for the closest font that will match.
0 LinePrinter
1 Pica
2 Elite
3 Courier
4 Helv (also Helvetica, CG Triumvirate,
and Swiss)
5 Tms Rmn (also CG Times, Times Roman
and Dutch)
6 Gothic (see also 130 Letter Gothic)
7 Script
8 Prestige (see also 48 Prestige Elite)
9 Caslon
10 Orator
11 Presentations
12 Helv Cond. (also Swiss Condensed)
13 Serifa
14 Blippo
15 Windsor
16 Century (also see #23)
17 ZapfHumanist
18 Garamond
19 Cooper
20 Coronet
21 Broadway
22 Bodoni
23 Cntry Schlbk (also see #16)
24 Univ. Roman
25 Helv Outline
26 Peignot (also Exotic)
27 Clarendon
28 Stick
29 HP-GL Drafting
30 HP-GL Spline
31 Times
32 HPLJ Soft Font
33 Borders
34 Uncle Sam Open
35 Raphael
36 Uncial
37 Manhattan
38 Dom Casual
39 Old English
40 Trium Condensed
41 Trium UltraComp
42 Trade ExtraCond
43 American Classic (also Amerigo)
44 Globe Gothic Outline
45 UniversCondensed (also Zurich Con-
46 Univers (also Zurich)
47 TmsRmnCond (Oki Laserline 6)
48 PrstElite (see also 8 Prestige)
49 Optima
50 Aachen (Postscript)
51 AmTypewriter
52 Avant Garde
53 Benguiat
54 Brush Script
55 Carta
56 Centennial
57 Cheltenham
58 FranklinGothic
59 FrstyleScrpt
60 FrizQuadrata
61 Futura
62 Galliard
63 Glypha
64 Goudy
65 Hobo
66 LubalinGraph
67 Lucida
68 LucidaMath
69 Machine
70 Melior (also Zapf Elliptical)
71 NewBaskrvlle (also Baskerville)
72 NewCntSchlbk
73 News Gothic (also Trade Gothic)
74 Palatino (also Zapf Calligraphic)
75 Park Avenue
76 Revue
77 Sonata
78 Stencil
79 Souvenir
80 TrmpMedievel (also Activa)
81 ZapfChancery
82 ZapfDingbats
83 Stone
84 CntryOldStyle
85 Corona
86 GoudyOldStyle
87 Excelsior
88 FuturaCondensed
89 HelvCompressed
90 HelvExtraCompressed
91 Helv Narrow
92 HelvUltraCompressed
93 KorinnaKursiv
94 Lucida Sans
95 Memphis
96 Stone Informal
97 Stone Sans
98 Stone Serif
99 Postscript
100 NPS Utility
101 NPS Draft
102 NPS Corr
103 NPS SansSer Qual
104 NPS Serif Qual
105 PS Utility
106 PS Draft
107 PS Corr
108 PS SansSer Qual
109 PS Serif Qual
110 Download
111 NPS ECS Qual (daisy wheel)
112 PS Plastic (daisy wheel)
113 PS Metal (daisy wheel)
114 CloisterBlack
115 Gill Sans (also Hammersmith)
116 Rockwell (also Slate)
117 Tiffany (ITC)
118 Clearface
119 Amelia
120 HandelGothic
121 OratorSC (Star et al)
122 Outline (Toshiba)
123 Bookman Light (Canon)
124 Humanist (Canon)
125 Swiss Narrow (Canon)
126 ZapfCalligraphic (Canon)
127 Spreadsheet (Quadlaser)
128 Broughm (Brother printers)
129 Anelia (Brother printers)
130 LtrGothic (as defined by Brother)
131 Boldface (Boldface PS)
132 High Density (NEC)
133 High Speed (NEC)
134 Super Focus (NEC P2200)
135 Swiss Outline (Cordata)
136 Swiss Display (Cordata)
137 Momento Outline (Cordata)
138 Courier Italic (TI 855)
139 Text Light (Cordata)
140 Momento Heavy (Cordata)
141 BarCode
143 Math-7 (HPLJ)
144 Math-8 (HPLJ)
145 Swiss
146 Dutch
147 Trend (Nissho)
148 Holsatia (Qume Laser)
149 Serif (IBM Pageprinter)
150 Bandit (Cordata)
151 Bookman (Cordata)
152 Casual (Cordata)
153 Dot (Cordata)
154 EDP (Epson GQ3500)
155 ExtGraphics (Epson GQ3500)
156 Garland (Canon Laser)
157 PC Line
158 HP Line
159 Hamilton (QMS)
160 Korinna (Cordata)
161 LineDrw (QMS)
162 Modern
163 Momento (Cordata)
164 MX (Cordata)
165 PC (Cordata)
166 PI
167 Profile (Quadlaser)
168 Q-Fmt (QMS)
169 Rule (Cordata)
170 SB (Cordata)
171 Taylor (Cordata)
172 Text (Cordata)
173 APL
174 Artisan
175 Triumvirate
176 Chart
177 Classic
178 Data
179 Document
180 Emperor
181 Essay
182 Forms
183 Facet
184 Micro (also Microstyle, Eurostile)
185 OCR-A
186 OCR-B
187 Apollo (Blaser)
188 Math
189 Scientific
190 Sonoran (IBM Pageprinter)
191 Square 3
192 Symbol
193 Tempora
194 Title
195 Titan
196 Theme
197 TaxLineDraw
198 Vintage
199 XCP
200 Eletto (Olivetti)
201 Est Elite (Olivetti)
202 Idea (Olivetti)
203 Italico (Olivetti)
204 Kent (Olivetti)
205 Mikron (Olivetti)
206 Notizia (Olivetti)
207 Roma (Olivetti)
208 Presentor (Olivetti)
209 Victoria (Olivetti)
210 Draft Italic (Olivetti)
211 PS Capita (Olivetti)
212 Qual Italic (Olivetti)
213 Antique Olive (also Provence)
214 Bauhaus (ITC)
215 Eras (ITC)
216 Mincho
217 SerifGothic (ITC)
218 Signet Roundhand
219 Souvenir Gothic
220 Stymie (ATF)
221 Bernhard Modern
222 Grand Ronde Script
223 Ondine (also Mermaid)
224 PT Barnum
225 Kaufmann
226 Bolt (ITC)
227 AntOliveCompact (also Provence
228 Garth Graphic
229 Ronda (ITC)
230 EngShcreibschrift
231 Flash
232 Gothic Outline (URW)
233 Akzidenz-Grotesk
234 TD Logos
235 Shannon
236 Oberon
237 Callisto
238 Charter
239 Plantin
240 Helvetica Black (PS)
241 Helvetica Light (PS)
242 Arnold Bocklin (PS)
243 Fette Fraktur (PS)
244 Greek (PS (Universal Greek))
3 Footnote
Word: Line count of footnote text.
Word: Offset to the internal sequence
containing the footnote number tag.
If there is an internal tag, the high
order bit of this word will be set
and the low 15 bits will be the
offset of the internal sequence. If
the hi order bit is not set, then
this number is the footnote number to
Byte: Not used, conversion flag is
now in the internal tag symmetrical
sequence. If the footnote contains
no tag, then this byte is used for
the conversion flag.
Remaining bytes are for text of the
footnote itself.
The text can contain another sequence
of the same format. This internal
sequence is used to display or print
the tag associated with the note:
Word: Not used (line count assumed 1)
Word: Footnote number.
Byte: Conversion flag. Normally 0,
unless .CV or .F# is used to convert
notes from one type or format to
another. The format of the low order
nybble of this byte is the same as
the numbers for footnotes, endnotes
and comments. If this nybble is 4,
convert this note to an endnote. If
6, convert to a comment.
The high order nybble of this byte is
for the format type of the note
(alphabetic, numeric, etc.). 0 means
to use symbols, 1 is for upper case,
2 is for lower case, and three is for
4 Endnote
Word: Line count of endnote text.
Word: Offset to the internal sequence
containing the endnote number tag.
If there is an internal tag, the high
order bit of this word will be set
and the low 15 bits will be the
offset of the internal sequence. If
the hi order bit is not set, then
this number is the endnote number to
Byte: Not used, conversion flag is
now in the internal tag symmetrical
sequence. If the footnote contains
no tag, then this byte is used for
the conversion flag.
Remaining bytes are for text of the
endnote itself.
The text can contain another sequence
of the same format. This internal
sequence is used to display or print
the tag associated with the note:
Word: Not used (line count assumed 1)
Word: Endnote number.
Byte: Conversion flag. Normally 0,
unless .CV is used to convert notes
from one type to another. The format
of the low order nybble of this byte
is the same as the numbers for
footnotes, endnotes and comments. If
this byte is 3, convert this note to
a footnote. If 6, convert to a
The high order nybble of this byte is
for the format type of the note
(alphabetic, numeric, etc.). 0 means
to use symbols, 1 is for upper case,
2 is for lower case, and three is for
5 Annotation (arbitrary note)
Word: Line count of annotation text.
Word: Offset to the internal tag
(only the low order 15 bits are used
for this, as in footnotes and end-
notes). If the high order bit is
set, it indicates that there is an
internal tag. If there is no inter-
nal tag, the entire word will be 0.
Byte: Conversion flag. Not used for
Remaining bytes are for text of the
annotation itself.
The text can contain another sequence
of the same format. This internal
sequence is used to display or print
the tag associated with the note:
Word: Not used (line count assumed 1)
Word: Not used.
Remaining bytes are for the text used
to display and print the tag of the
note (can be null).
Byte: Conversion flag. Not used for
6 Comment
Word: Line count of the comment.
Word: Tag offset (not used).
Byte: Conversion flag. Normally 0,
unless .CV is used to convert notes
from one type to another. The format
of the low order nybble of this byte
is the same as the numbers for
footnotes, endnotes and comments. If
this byte is 4, convert this note to
an endnote. If 3, convert to a
The high order nybble of this byte is
for the format type of the note
(alphabetic, numeric, etc.). 0 means
to use symbols, 1 is for upper case,
2 is for lower case, and three is for
Since comments don't contain internal
tags for display with print control
display off, no internal sequence is
used, and the remaining bytes are the
text of the comment.
7 Reserved.
8 Reserved.
9 Tabs and dot leaders
Word: Tab size in HMIs
Word: Absolute tab size in HMIs
Byte: Tab type: Space for hard tab,
soft space for soft tab, '#' for
decimal tab. Also, '!' is used for
center line tab, ']' for right align
line tab. Other character such as
'.' or '*' are used for dot leaders.
Byte: Tab size in 1/10th
0Ah Reserved.
0Bh End of page
This sequence should usually be
ignored. It's used by the WordStar
editor to keep track of page breaks.
It is transient, and moves around
with the page break.
Word: Current VMIs on this page
Word: Line # on page
Byte: Newspaper type column number
Byte: # of newspaper type columns in
Word: VMI placement from top of page
where newspaper type columns begin.
Word: Line number from top of page
where newspaper type columns begin.
Word: Footnote number currently in
Word: Total VMIs for footnotes on
this page.
Word: Total VMIs for footnote header
and separator lines.
Word: VMIs leftover on this page
from footnote not completely printed
(for running footnotes).
5 words: Reserved.
0Ch Page offset
Reserved for printer driver use only.
Should not appear in files.
Byte: Number of blanks before line
number (0 if no number).
Word: Absolute HMI spot for line
number (0 if no number).
Byte: Number of blanks after line
Word: Absolute HMI spot for start of
Byte: Number of bytes in line number.
Bytes: ASCII of line number.
0Dh Paragraph number
Byte: Number of level moves forward
from previous paragraph number. 0 to
stay at current level, 1 to move in a
Byte: Number of level moves
backwards from previous paragraph
number. 0 to stay at current level
(or forwards if previous byte non-
zero), or number of levels moved left
(2.1.1 going to 3 would mean this
byte would be a 2).
Byte: Level number of this paragraph
number (1 based).
Word: Level 1 number, 0 based.
Word: Level 2 number, 0 based.
Word: Level 3 number, 0 based.
Word: Level 4 number, 0 based.
Word: Level 5 number, 0 based.
Word: Level 6 number, 0 based.
Word: Level 7 number, 0 based.
Word: Level 8 number, 0 based.
31 Bytes indicating the format to use
for this paragraph number, including
a zero terminator.
0Eh Index item
Text for the index item.
0Fh User print control
Word: number of hmis this sequence
uses on the printed page.
Byte: number of characters used for
screen display.
Text: the display string itself.
The remaining bytes contained in this
sequence will be sent directly to the
10h Graphics insert
Text: File name to use for graphics
insert. Length is determined from
length of symmetrical sequence.
11h Paragraph style
Word: New paragraph style number.
This number is an index into the
document's style library. This is
the style that the user just select-
Word: Previously selected paragraph
style number. This is an index into
the document's style library of the
style previously selected by the
Word: Previous paragraph 'modified'
style number. This is the current
style conditions before this selec-
tion was made. Because attributes
and fonts may have changed since the
last style selection was made, new
temporary styles must be created in
the library to reflect changes.
Word: Previous-previous selected,
for reverting. This is the style
selected by the user prior to the
previous style. This is used to
revert back to the previous style
(^OFP). This is necessary for
WordStar to know the previously
selected style when moving backwards
in the file without having to keep a
12h-14h Reserved.
15h Alternate/Normal font change
Word: Normal = 0, Alternate = 1.
The rest of the sequence is like a
font symmetrical sequence, with the
new font characteristics (Width,
height, and typestyle), followed by
the previous font characteristics.
This sequence is inserted by the
editor whenever a ^N or ^A is encoun-
tered when editing, or when entering
^PA or ^PN.
16h Truncation
Used when a large symmetrical se-
quence doesn't fit in ram. Rather
than leave the symmetrical sequence
open, it's shortened to fit in ram.
Both the leading and trailing count
words are adjusted in the offending
symmetrical sequence, and this se-
quence is placed inside the sequence
at the end. This usually will happen
with large footnotes or endnotes.
The sequence contains no information
(only the count words and the type
byte), but gets translated to
"<TRUNCATED>" when printed or dis-
17h-0FFh Reserved.
Paragraph style libraries
The paragraph style library is kept in three places:
1) WSSTYLE.OVR. This is the main style library from which selec- tions
are made.
2) The file being edited contains copies of all styles that are used in
the document (this library is kept at the end of the file. A 32-bit
pointer is placed in the header symmetrical sequence which points to the
beginning of the document's library).
3) A temporary file contains the current working copy of the document's
styles, which contains the styles from the end of the document, the
library styles, and temporary styles while editing.
File style library
The header symmetrical sequence contains a 32-bit absolute offset into
the file where the style library begins (see the description of the
header symmetrical sequence). This offset is actually the offset of the
master index which may be used for structures other than paragraph
styles. This offset must be on a sector (128- byte) boundary. The
structure of the master index follows:
Byte: 1AH -- End of file indicator regardless of WordStar fill- ing
remainder of last 128-byte sector with 1AH's.
Byte: WordStar style version number in BCD (55H for version 5.5). This
number will change to reflect the version of WordStar when there is a
revision in the style library that would cause incom- patibilities
between versions.
Word: Next 512-byte block number available relative to the index start,
not the document start.
Byte: Number of objects (currently 1, paragraph styles only).
Master index begins here. It currently consists of only 1 object
(paragraph styles).
Word: Number of index entries allocated. This is the number of index
entries that are available for use in the blocks that have been
allocated to the master index.
Word: Size of an object entry (102 decimal for paragraph styles).
Double word: Pointer to beginning of object index. Usually points to
next byte since paragraph styles are the only object. This pointer is
relative to the beginning of the master index, not the document file
Object index begins here.
Byte: Number of index entries in this block. (14 for paragraph styles)
Double word: Link to next index block. This pointer is relative to the
beginning of the master index, not the document file itself.
Index items follow:
24 bytes: Object name (paragraph style name, left justified, blank
Byte: Used internally.
Word: Used internally.
Word: Used internally.
Double word: Pointer to style entry. This pointer is relative to the
beginning of the master index, not the document file itself.
The above index item is repeated for each indexed entry. If the block is
filled with indexes, the link to next index block can be used to go to
the next set of indexes.
Style entry:
3 words: Font description. See the font symmetrical sequence
description. First word is -1 if inherited.
2 words: Reserved.
Word: Left margin in HMI, -2 (0fffeh) if inherited.
Word: Right margin in HMI, -2 (0fffeh) if inherited.
Word: Paragraph margin in HMI, -2 (0fffeh) if inherited.
Word: Reserved.
Byte: Number of regular tabs, 0 if inherited (also, first tab stop below
will be -1).
Byte: Number of decimal tabs, 0 if inherited (also, first tab stop below
will be -1).
32 words: Tab stops in HMIs. Regular tabs are first. If first tab stop
is -1 (0ffffh), then tabs are inherited.
Word: Reserved.
Byte: Justification flag. 0 means no justification, -1 means inherit, 1
means right justified, -2 means centered, and -3 means flush right.
Byte: Word wrap flag. 1 means word wrap is on, 0 is off, -1 means
Word: Line height in VMI, -1 = inherit.
Byte: Line spacing (1-9), -1 = inherit.
2 Words: Print attributes on, off. Bits set in the first word indicate
those attributes are explicitly set to the on state. Bits set in the
second word indicate those attributes are explic- itly set off. If both
corresponding bits are off, then the attribute is inherited from the
current state. Descriptions of the bits are as follows:
Strikeout 000000000000001B
Doublestrike 000000000000010B
Underlining 000000000001000B
Subscript 000000000010000B
Superscript 000000000100000B
Bold 000000001000000B
Italics 000000010000000B
Byte: Color. See a description of the color symmetrical se- quence. -1
means inherited.
6 Bytes: Reserved. ### END
Andrew Stephenson